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A gogglehead is an organism native to rich and dense suburbian areas, specifically in bubbles (Irvine, Newport, etc.). Goggleheads are best described as a human-like looking animals with large black circles around the area where the eyes are supposed to be. The circles might have some slight variation in shape.
The first Goggleheads were first thought to start only with females. Observers saw the size of the black circles grow over a period of five months, and once it got large enough, they were declared a whole new species, Gogguleus Gigantius. Once adaption occured over all highschools, the species soon spread to middle schools and to mothers, specifically milfs. From there, the species spread to vulnerable males.
It all started as a curious and peculiar growth of a unique species, but as of late, it has turned into an uncontrollable epidemic, and in the eyes of the Department of Fish and Game, is a problem to the enviroment. To solve this, they have delcared an open season for Goggleheads.

"Don't worry about her, she's just another Gogglehead."

by Prashant October 16, 2006

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