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n: (pl: barties) An awesome Friday-night party at the awesome residence of the one and only Bart. Barties normally consist of a gathering of "the friend group" where ping pong, swimming, movie-watching, eating, the playing of pocket billiards, ramen-making, and arguing with his Dad about various mathematical orders of operation take place. They generally conclude with the making of more ramen, and Smash Bros playing.(Note: Clothing is Optional)

v: -ing -ied
The act of attending a Barty.

n: "I heard Taylor jumped in the pool with all his clothes on at last night's barty."

v: "Hey man, you bartying this Friday?"

by Praveen April 29, 2004

28👍 21👎


Type of silly girl . Always do crazy things

. everyone likes her character .

Crazy Bhagirathi

by Praveen November 25, 2021