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Scene (adj; noun): Kids that follow the HXC, indie and electro pop scene.

To be scene you must first:
-change your voice, so everything you say is muttered and the last word is drug out.
-go to the bathroom stand in front of the mirror and say "I’m ready to be scene"
-go into your little sisters, or your friends little sisters, or SOMEONES little sisters room and take a pair of their pants, and possibly a shirt. TRSUT ME it looks scene.
-go the the mall and buy every kind of neon makeup you can find, then put it on your face all at one time. Blend your colors on your eyes so it makes a rainbow effect, which earns you a scene POINT.
-make sure you weigh close to 100 pounds, if you don’t, fat scene just doesn’t cut it.
-check your closet to see if you have at least 10 band t's, if not, head to the ,mall and buy all the ones with the cool sounding names, but make sure you’re a good actor, because you have to pretend to know the music.
-make sure you have an almost mullet, if not, head to stokes county and ask for one, they'll know what you want.
-when you achieve the mullet look, put red, purple, blue, green, pink or black in it and then accent it with platinum blonde. That’s friggin SCENE.
-make a new AIM scn if you don’t have one and put at least 6 x's in it. (xxrrxscnexfgtxxx)
-after you have the screen name its time for the personality, or lack of.
Make sure that you find a show any show you find, even if you have no idea who the band actually is, and tell all your friends to go to it, get dressed in your new baby sized band tee and white belt, put all the hairspray you can find in your hair, get your rainbow makeup on, and head to it.
-once you get to the show you must then know how to dance, when I say dance I don’t mean dance, I mean beat the crap out of anyone around you, in scene terms, “throw down”. You need to first get your spot in the pit, and claim that beast. Whenever the band actually starts to play you need to yell some completely retarded cuss word, just to let everyone know that you are with out a doubt hardass. Once you do that you need to loosen up a little bit, let people know that you can actually do some damage in your tight pants, but make sure you don’t mess up your hair in the process.

When the right time comes, thrust your arms back and HOPEFULLY take someone out.

You better get your two step on at this point, and if you don’t know how to two step, you should fake it, and if you can’t fake it, then you need to get yourself together, and go the heck home. Do some windmills and some floor punches, and your scene dancing is complete. Congratulate your self.

Go home, take about 400 pictures of your self in the bathroom, but remember, you get extra points by the more skin you show, pick your favorites, and put those 2-3 on your myspace, then wait on the comments.

Now, take a cigarette break, and inhale your great scene ness.

Roy: ZOMG !m lyke s0 scene
Macey: jkjkjklololol. thank god were not emo
Roy: yeeh, emot!ve HxC is just NOT the scene.
Macey: awez. ! luhv you scenester

by PrettyFlyForABethany April 8, 2008

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