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noun -

An amalgamation of political ideologies used to describe Liberal politics and Democrats in America. Regardless of the assorted ideologies mixed not having anything to do with one another and more pointedly being in direct conflict with one another. This single word is used to help with the confusion of not really understanding the true meaning of the ideologies one uses as an insult. This term is useful in that, while using the individual ideologies without really knowing what they mean can make one appear to be an undereducated and ignorant fool spouting off hateful terms to instigate more hatred, using such a large word with so many syllables can instantly raise ones intelligence ten fold. However, this math can get fuzzy as 0x10 = 0

Gavin: I'm really excited that our government wants to support it's people with something useful like health care reform

Bubba: WHAT? Are you some kind of believer of socialcommufascimuslimism. Jesus Christ will smite you!

by Prim3y April 1, 2010

12👍 8👎

Snake Sunday

Snake Sunday is a holiday celebrated the Sunday before St. Patrick's Day. It is in honor of St. Patrick chasing the snakes out of Ireland. Typically it is used as a way of dealing with a hangover from celebrating a "pseudo" St. Patrick's Day which is commonly done by partaking of the great Irish tradition on a Saturday night when the actual holiday is during the work week. Commonly in honor of Snake Sunday, celebrators will exclaim "SNAKE SUNDAY" typically in unison. This cheer usually follows either the question, "What day is it?" some variant thereof, or if someone says "Happy Snake Sunday!"

Ted: "Hey Lance, how you doing today?"

Lance: "Hey Ted, pretty hungover from celebrating St. Patrick's Day last night, but otherwise it's a great Snake Sunday!"

Ted/Lance: "SNAKE SUNDAY!!!"

by Prim3y March 15, 2010