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sobe bong

One of the best and most cost effective ways to get completely fried. A SoBe bottle is emptied of its contents, and because of a unique manufacturing process, there is a slightly thinner section of glass at the bottom of the bottle in which a hole can be made using a screwdriver and a hammer. The basic concept is the same as a waterfall bong, however, the stone and taste are superb to plastic. If you're a band geek, use an old trombone mouthpiece with a screen, but most people just use aluminum foil. Either way, it's a sure bet that you'll get totally ripped with this method.

The SoBe bong is cheap and effective, each time you buy a SoBe you have a new waterfall bong! Share them with your friends!

I burned a full bowl with my SoBe bong and it tore me up.

by PrisonerInGlass September 15, 2006

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