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red vs blue

The best online show ever! Its so funny, I watch it almost everyday. Caboose, is so cool. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you do before deathstorm a.k.a Sarge comes and slits your throat! And your should buy the second season DVD, because it has Caboose tell you what happend in the last season...and of course its completely wrong!

Caboose: " Sargent, look... a sleeping person!"

Sarge : "What? Oh macaroon, he's not sleeping son, he's dead."

Caboose :" Oh good, at first... I thought that was me... Because, I am blue and I like to sleep. But if he is dead, that can not be me... that would be silly."

Caboose :" It must be nap time. But who has nap time now? Nap time comes before pants time, not after... I think these people are just making up times!"

by Private O' Mally February 18, 2005

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