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A puff of gas that comes out of your mouth, usually with a wet noise. It smells and tastes like what you just ate/drank. It usually comes from swallowing too much air. Many comedy movies made since 1995 have had at least one burp joke in them, because HAW HAW, ITZ FUNNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1. 99.9% of people find it disgusting, the other 00.1% find it sexy.

College student: *burps loudly during lecture*
Professor: What was that? Who in the room just did that?
*awkward silence as keyboard taps slow down to a stop*
Professor: Nobody's gonna speak up? OK. I have all day. IF WE HAVE TO BE HERE UNTIL MIDNIGHT, WE WILL! That is rude, disgusting and it's not funny, damn it! You are a human, not an animal. Grow the hell up, whoever just did that. If I hear it again, this lecture is over. This is where you learn, not blatantly perform bodily functions! *cough* Thank you...

by ProBeb March 25, 2019

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Swamp ass

A condition where your butt cheeks/crack feel sweaty, usually after physical activity. The name comes from the fact that, like a swamp, your butt is moist and wet in this situation.

I get a gnarly case of swamp ass whenever I do my daily walk around the park, but drinking a lot of water and chilling out fixes it.

by ProBeb May 9, 2019

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A dehydrated block of noodles reheated with water (preferably boiling). Usually comes in different "flavours". When I mean flavour, I mean sachet of salt and sodium with a bit of artificial flavouring like Chicken or Beef or Curry or Pork or whatever artificial flavour you want. Originally invented in Japan in 1958 as a sort of luxury item in Japanese grocery stores as wounds from atomic bomb droppings were healing, it is now the fodder of poverty and poor college eating with American students.

How to make it:

1. Open the bag and put the noodles in a big pan.

2. Pour in water and bring it to a boil, stirring for about three minutes.

3. Dump in the sal- I mean seasoning.

4. Stir it and dump it into a bowl.

5. Grab a fork (OR CHOPSTICKSU IF YOU ARE NIHONGIN!!!!!!!!11)

6. Leave the bowl on the table and find some actual proper fucking food (or consume if you are either on the brink of having your telly repossessed and your electricity turned off from the Electric Company or if you are a Weeaboo)

"Mum, I am tired of eating ramen for dinner!"
"Shut up you little twat. Either you eat ramen or you have to bathe in the river".

"So to begin our first day of Culinary, Patricia, what's your favourite food?"
"First of all, curry is from India. Second, get the fuck out of my room and into a flophouse".

by ProBeb September 20, 2017

Model F

A loud-ass keyboard IBM made back in 1981. It is like the Model M, but only on steroids. If you wake up your house from using a Model M, you will wake up your entire neighbourhood using a Model F. This is due to the usage of capacitive buckling springs, which IBM ditched for membrane buckling springs for the Model M, just to save fucking dinero.

"God damn it, Philip! What the hell is that racket from just you typing?!"
"Oh sorry, mom. I am using a Model F."

by ProBeb September 17, 2017


A round pink puffball with stubby arms and feet, originally made in 1992 by Masahiro Sakurai. He has starred in several games since then, in addition to having a cartoon and manga series. His trademark ability is to inhale enemies who stole his brown bag lunch and to take their abilities (and souls). One of Nintendo's flagship series, the games are known for being easy to beat and having a cheery vibe (though they eventually conclude with nightmare-inducing final bosses). He may or may not be gay (in various games, he gives allies energy from food by kissing them, male or female).

I'm a Kirby main in Smash Bros, dude!
Kirby was lucky, as unlike Mario and Link, he didn't get a game on the Philips CDI.
Kirby: Right Back at Ya! was a good show, too bad 4Kids had to ruin it.

by ProBeb March 25, 2019

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Two big round circles on the back of the human body which are made up of fat and muscle, surrounded by skin (obviously). It's where you fart, and where you get butt fucked. Straight guys and non-slutty girls don't care about it, gay guys and slutty girls wear tight pants to make it look bigger and rounder. It also acts like a cushion of sorts to make sitting easier and more possible.

I sat on my butt and binge watched The Walking Dead.
My butt is really flat, so my pants keep slipping off.
Do these jeans make my butt look fat?

by ProBeb March 25, 2019

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