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What you do to undo a defilement after it has occurred.
Similarly a place can be filed at least according to be monks who worship the many gods of bureaucracy (why's names may not be uttered without first filing the right paper work in triplicate for each person who is to hear them)

Person a: Gasp! they have defined the bathroom most dreadfully
person b: urk! yeah someone left a stinker.. better have it refiled again since its currently defiled.

by ProphetOfConfusion July 7, 2017


A well deserved derogatory term for ritch people who claim the affluenca defence when doing some crime.

since affliienca is a kind of insanity plea

Person a) Did you hear the affluensa kids father Fred Couch got arrested for impersonating a police officer?
Person b) Fucking ritchtard!
Person a) yah his ex-wife got arrested for trying to drive somone of the roat too.
Person b) Fuck! the whole family is a bunch of fucking ritchtards!!!

by ProphetOfConfusion August 21, 2014