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Mental Midget

Looney Left Wingers that only listen to and believe the talking points from the DNC, the Fake News Media, and their fellow Hypocrites. They don't look up the information and Fact Check for themselves. They believe that Progressivism a.k.a. Socialism (then comes Fascism - Communism - Marxism) is better than Capitalism. That America should become a Third World Country within a One World Order. They believe that they are entitled to whatever they want for free and that someone else should pay for it. They don't believe in GOD or Jesus. Pretty much the definition of a Mental Midget is a person who believes that one plus one equal three (1 + 2 = 3), because that is what he was indoctrinated by the Far Left to believe.

A Mental Midget is a person who only believes what they are indoctrinated by the Far Left to believe in, because they aren't able to think for themselves.

by Proud11BDeplorable December 19, 2018

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