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That one lady across the street that stares at you every time your outside.

Treyvonne - “Bruv, Mrs.Hetzler is outside again”
PJ Alluicious - “lets go through the back yard.”

by ProudToBeBetterThanYou September 16, 2020

Da Bois

Da Bois, youz best knowz that we got, David, the group nerd, Caiden, dat bitch, Ben, founder of “The Chub Chub News”, Jack, tahoo’s bf, Cameron, Mr.Gadget, and Nicky, the fucking loser.

PJ Alluicious - “bruv, Da Bois are back in town..”
Treyvonne - “Oh No”

by ProudToBeBetterThanYou September 16, 2020