Main Entry: lol-li-pop girl
Pronunciation: \Ëlä-li-Ëpäp ËgÉr(-É)l\
Function: noun
Etymology: Modern English, American slang associating the cheerfully bright, playful aspects of a colorful candy lollipop with a woman who recalls those same qualities
Date: May, 2010
1 a: a fun, carefree female who is widely considered delightful
1 b: a woman with an upbeat, colorful disposition : a perky, usually young, woman with a winning personality and sunshiny outlook
1 c: a lively, lighthearted female who often easily attracts amorous admirers
Being the consummate lollipop girl, Natasha endeared herself to all when she casually joked the spilled punch on her dress would bring back the tie-dye look.
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