A literature geek. Creative and jack of all trades. Worth listening to. Talks mostly in passive aggressive tone. Very creative in defending anything unfair in the most self centred and narcissistic way. Pure soul. Loves being loved to yet figure out what love really is. Loves hanging out with several women but strongly believes that the only woman who deserves compassion, kindness and respect from him is the woman he loves. Really really ships polygamy. Plans to marry a monogamous woman. Very experimental.
I feel like the abhishek dubey of the world today.
You are an abhishek dubey in my ass.
I am abhishek-ed man! I don't know what to do.
Someone who farts in the cinema when theyâre on a date
Dude Ria just blew up right in the middle of class. Sheâs a megafarter.
An ingloriously loud burp in a fairly quiet spot or place
Usually done by a person on a date
Dude rhia really just megaburped right at me half way through the film