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Fuck your Sunglasses

A catchphrase that alludes to the infamous “To my ex” or “hot dog husband” video that can be found on YouTube.
Definition #1
This phrase can be used casually to reject someone’s attempts to take control of a situation, or to reject someone’s actions/existence in general.

Sunglasses are used to control the amount of sunlight one’s eyes perceive, worn to seem mysterious or intimidating, or as a choice of fashion. All of these have assertive intentions, therefore, the phrase “fuck your sunglasses” is reject someone’s attempt to utilize metaphorical “sunglasses.”

Definition #2
Rejecting someone else’s perspective, as in the metaphorical sunglasses one perceives something.

Example of #1
A: We should go out tonight.

B: We? No, I do not want to do that.
A: Come on, you never do anything fun with me. Let’s go out and have a good time.

B: Fuck you, and fuck your sunglasses. I do not want to spend time with you.

Definition #2
A: I think roller coasters are fun
B: I don’t, fuck your sunglasses.

by Psuedonomm May 18, 2020