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California Roll

A term used to define someone who claims to enjoy Asiatic cultures , but wants or demands fundamental changes to any vaguely Asian or Asian inspired media bought to the West in order to suit their personal, usually poor tastes. Often, these will fly in the face of either the original content or authorial intent, and is almost always for the worse.

A common example of a California Roll is the average video game localizer.

The verbal form, California Rolling, is to deface Asian inspired media by deliberately applying clashing ideas and cultural concepts to the setting in a non-synergistic, often embarrassing manner.

Noun example
Person A: "Why does Fire Emblem Fates read so much worse in English?"
Person B: "It was translated by California Rolls, what do you expect?"

Verb Example
4Kids(2002-2008) was a animation dubbing company which would bring over anime from Japan and would California Roll it, sometimes making manic changes like claiming rice balls were jelly donuts.

by Psuedowoodonym August 14, 2023