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Safer sex

A term used by sexually impulsive people pretending to be careful. Similar to throwing the seatbelt across your lap, but not actually buckling it. Always followed with the surprised protestation, upon learing that they have spread Gonnorhea to every one they know: "But we were practicing safer sex!"

Safer sex:
"I won't use a condom, but I promise I won't cum in you"
"I got tested three months ago, so we're good."
"You're clean, right? Great, so am I"

by Psychokitty September 29, 2014

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douche wiggle

Verb: When someone is such a douchebag that they die, go to heaven and then procede to wiggle around in God's Vagina like the stupid cunt sucker he or she is!

Noun: When Someone has reached the limit of douchebaggeryyou may call them this.

Verb: Harry Potter had a douche wiggle this morning and god was never so happy!

Noun: Bob likes to douche wiggle more than is approved by the FDA.

by Psychokitty January 15, 2008

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When you are having a pointed discussion and the other person is combative and aggressively shouting back THE EXACT SAME THING AS YOU. What the fuck, dude? You AGREE with me. Ugh.

Argreement Pronounced: Ar-GREE-Ment

I was having the following argreement with my friend the other day:

"Italian food is really best when it's homemade."
"How can you say that?! The sauces in the restaurant suck, the noodles are boiled in plain water, which is flavorless and the bread is invariably fake sourdough and three days old!!!!"
"Um...exactly?" SMH

by Psychokitty July 17, 2018


Sympathy is to compassion what phoniness is to authenticity. Sympathy is a fake coin. "There, there, it'll be all right". It is cheap, easy, sentimental and most often lacks sincerity. When someone has taken ill, lost his job, gotten injured or some other mishap, it is often at their own hands, through stupidity, in attentiveness or self destructive inclinations. They will then ask for sympathy, in other words, they want a free pass so they can go out and fuck up some more - this time with your blessing. It is co-dependent behavior, at best. Now, if you want to really support someone, you'll offer compassion and honesty. When sympathy shows up, honesty usually flies out the window, as they are most often wholly incompatible. Hence the popular quip, you'll find sympathy in the dictionary between shit and syphilus. It is worse than offering nothing at all.

Please don't ask me to sympathize with you after you pulled a knife on your girlfriend and she dumped you.

When my friend had a heart attack, he was completely uninterested in constructive suggestions such as staying hydrated and eating healthier, he just wanted sympathy.

by Psychokitty June 7, 2016

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