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shower beer

Noun. Beer you drink when in the shower for pre-gaming purposes.

Students who attended that shitty college in Chicago, NorthWorstern, define a shower beer as a beer that is rinsed with water.

Normal person: Hey Brah, I just woke up. I think I'm gonna get my shower beer on and I'll meet you at the bar afterwards.

NorthWorstern student: What, I don't get it..

Normal person: sigh, why are we still friends...

by Punnnn April 14, 2015

28👍 22👎


Fitting name for Northwestern University. A dry campus that is filled with extraordinarily lame students.
Many have never been exposed to a traditional undergraduate experience. The terms beer bong, keg stand, pre-games are completely foreign to them.

The graduating students are socially inept. Although they go on to be successful in the workforce, Northworstern graduates make for the worst workplace conversations and are often buzzkills.

Interviewer: Hi Laura, tell me about yourself
Northworstern Student: HI!!! ... *awkward pause*
Interviewer: Hello, Laura. Please tell me about yourself...Ugh why do we keep invited these students for interviews?! These Northworstern students are literally the WORST.
Northworstern Student: I graduated magna cum lade with a degree in engineering and a minor in psychology. I enjoy reading.

by Punnnn April 15, 2015