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A word describing an ever-expanding group of disproportionate teens, who to themselves, believe that their lives are somehow more difficult or painful than that of their peers.

Appearance: Black long hair. Torn clothing. Dirty and unkept appearance (citing laziness.) Males often wear female pants, and other clothing, often being mistaken for homosexuals. Females are often times obese and homely in appearance, leading to a possible cause for their depression. Emo females often have their hair dyed many different unmatching colors, as to compound their already poor appearance, futher lessening their chances for any type of relationship.

Demeanor: Emo kids are found to be very whiny and inherently sad individuals, with no apparent cause. When asked, they often claim that others who aren't emo 'just dont understand' when in reality, this is just a scapegoat for lack of a true cause of their 'depression.' This often leads you to discredit their cause, and often times angers them, but is unthreatening, because they will likely injure themselves before inflicting harm on you.

Personalities: Emo kids tend to be more intelligent indiviuals, but it is wasted on working a job at Mcdonald's just to buy more emo flare to add to their persona. (buttons, chains, other useless paraphenailia.) They often believe they have deeper souls than other people. It is nothing more than a misconception of reality, that emo kids use to try to feel different from other people, but is a fallacy. Often whiny and lazy, the emo kid tends to be idle most days, wasting time.

Conclusion: Emo kids are easy to spot, even easier to make fun of. Being sad because daddy's credit card is maxed out isn't a reason to be sad. Its reason enough to feel like a whiny brat. Emo kids tend to grow out of their idiotic state, and evolve to be normal people, most of the time. Most emo kids will disagree with this definition, saying that "isn't what emo is about" or "thats not what we are."
Even they have no explanation as to what 'emo' is. This is largely due to the fact that they don't know, and are simply fitting a profile, with their other emo peers, and also like their 'jock' peers, who also dress and act to conform to a certain profile.

Guy1: wow that kid looks sad
Guy2: he's emo, he's a wanna be sad person.
Guy1: why would anyone 'want' to be sad?
Guy2: For attention. No legitamate reason why. They experience no different of a life than you or I.
Guy1: maybe he'll grow up one day.

by Pup.E.Dog January 16, 2009

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