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American Apparel

Clothes that you could make for the same quality for about two dollars, only not many people have the will.

But then, it wouldn't be ethical, would it?

American Apparel is now mainstream, and believe you me, you were never the 'one who totally started this whole fad'. Middle school kids now wear it to think they're the shit. Don't be fooled, they're not in it for the fact it's ethically made in the Us where people are being paid fair wages, decent hours or health benefits. They just like 'cause it looks pretty.

Example 1:

Girl: Fuck, this is two pieces of fabric surged together with a hole in the top, for thirty-three-fucking-dollars

Guy: At least it wasn't made my bleeding children's hands?

Example 2:

11 year old: Isn't my new American Apparel hoodie deck? LOL, I totally picked that up from some weird guy off the street!

12 year old girl: Are you sure he wasn't like... homeless or something. My daddy told me not to leave the house without pepper spray and my chastity belt...

by Puppiesaretheshit April 21, 2009

17👍 36👎