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pick up a cake

Attempting to make sexual advances advances towards another, often ones that are unwelcome, inappropriate, or predatory. Often done without the person's consent or against their will.

"Did you see that guy over by the swings? He was trying to pick up a cake sitting alone on the bench. She looked really uncomfortable, and he wouldn't take the hint to leave her alone."

by Purplax May 9, 2024

critter cruising

Attempting to make inappropriate sexual advances towards a minor

Person 1: “Hey, did you see that guy hanging around the school gate during recess?”
Person 2: “Yeah, he seemed creepy. I think he might be planning on critter cruising. Should we tell the police?"

by Purplax May 9, 2024

picking up a cupcake

The act of trying to hit on a minor. The term symbolizes the manipulation and exploitation of the target, likening them to, well, a cupcake, that is taken advantage of by someone with ill intentions.

This term was coined after an infamous incident where YouTuber EDP445 was caught in a sting operation where he thought he'd be meeting up with a 13-year-old girl. When confronted about why he was there, he responded with, "Well, I was actually coming out here to pick up a cupcake, and then go back home."

Person 1: "Did you hear about that guy down the street? He got arrested for picking up a cupcake at the park."
Person 2: "Seriously? That's horrible. I can't believe someone around here would do that."

by Purplax May 9, 2024