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Group of people that gather to discuss vaping, a healthier alternative to smoking tobacco.

how many vaples use a 510 low resistance carto.

by PuterGeek November 23, 2010

6👍 1👎


Meaning an Electronic Cigarette or the vapor that comes from comes from an Electronic Cigarette.

Sorry I don't smoke cigarettes, I e-smoke

by PuterGeek November 23, 2010

2👍 2👎


What people who use Electronic Cigarettes call a regular tobacco cigarette.

I could never go back to an analog, I love my e-cig too much.

by PuterGeek November 23, 2010

51👍 17👎


Short for Cartomizer; Part of a Electronic Cigarette that creates the vapor from the E-Liquid. A Cartomizer is a cartridge that is integrated with its own atomizer.

I don't use Attys, I use Cartos

by PuterGeek November 20, 2010

4👍 3👎