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act hole

An activist who is an asshole. Thinks that they are surrounded by ignorant close-minded bigots because no one wants to deal with them. Usually confuses people not liking them personally with not supporting their cause.

Person 1: "Bethany doesn't realize that constantly demanding people check their privilege doesn't really do anything but make people dislike her more."

Person 2: "Yeah she's such an act hole"

by Putyourbrainon73 February 23, 2016

Shared Sacrifice

Everyone give up the goods so me and my friends can have more. (Typically spoken by elected officials or upper management)

Elected Official to Constituents: "We all have to pay a little more in property taxes. It's a small shared sacrifice so we can keep teachers, firefighters, and police officers on the payroll".

Elected Official to Staff: "Pay raises for everyone, and if you need me, I'll be investigating our Sister City in the Bahamas".

by Putyourbrainon73 July 9, 2010

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