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Jesus Tap Dancing Christ

A reason to shout out this word is..To be in utter Dismay, to see something so insanely intense, You'll shit bricks for a week, Handicapping you to walk like you have a dildo shoved up your ass.

Warning: Saying this word may cause you to tap dance uncontrollably, like how Bill Cosby says "God Dammit!", or "Jesus Christ!", even as much as how he slurs his speech, which sounds like he has a dildo shoved down his throat.

Little Sally: Hiya Little Billy!

Little Billy: Hey Sally!

*Sally gets Orbital nuked, while being eaten by the Kool-Aid Man*

Little Billy: Holy Jesus Tap Dancing Christ!

*Billy shits bricks, Tap-Dances home with dildo shoved up his ass, and tells parents about what happened to Sally which then causes a 'Brick-Shitting Chain Reaction*

by PwnCakez November 9, 2009

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