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Someone who takes an interest in Nazi Germany, particularly the armed forces, to the point of obsession. Often refuses to listen to any criticism or sources that counter their point of view.

While there aren't a set of universal traits, a few themes will crop up:

1) A belief that the German Armed Forces had superior technology, were better trained and had better doctrine than anyone else during WW2.

2) A belief that "The wrong side won the war." (NOTE: this is a little rarer than the other points)

3) Will blame Hitler's defeat on factors beyond the Armed Forces control; even if said factors have been disproven multiple times.

4) Will become extremely defensive/angry when presented with evidence against their point of view.

6) Takes most of their information and "sources" from the History Channel, tank/ship/plane based combat games (eg, War Thunder) and Podcasts on the internet (eg, Dan Carlin).

In rare cases, this can escalate into Fascism, often becoming openly racist and anti-semitic. This group is often full of Holocaust Deniers and Holocaust Approvers, frequently parroting "historians" such as David Irving and "politicians" such as Richard Spencer.

However, Wehraboos can be cured if spotted early; mainly through the use of factual evidence and well-researched arguments. Education is key, many are just misinformed and are often happy to listen to others when presented with good, nuanced arguments.

Person 1: The Wehrmacht was innocent in the war; the SS was the only group committing war crimes.

Person 2: But we have archived documents, battle reports and eye-witness accounts that say otherwise.

Person 1: But...but I saw it on the History Channel. It's true, my Wehrmacht grandpa told me so!

Person 2: Just because one person thinks that it doesn't mean it's true. Jesus Christ, you're such a Wehraboo!

Person 1: I'm not! I just think the wrong side won the war!

by Pwysch May 11, 2019

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