The ladies were talking and started discussing their mens stiffness scale. It measure the hardness of the stiffness. It goes from 1 to 5. 1 Means you have a softy problem or had way too much to drink. 5 mens you probably took 3 Viagra.
The guy was drunk and measure a 1 on the stiffness scale
When you go down on a girl and you do the alphabet with your tongue to make her cum
I went down on her and did the muffabetical
When you have sex for a while and next moment you feel something in there. After looking it is established that there is an old tampon, sausage or carrat that was lodged in there that you managed to get loose
I had sex with her for an hour and the next moment found some internal leftovers
When you put your penis between her toes
She was on her period so I went tiptoeing to release myself
When you snort your dead friends ashes
Shame, after the funeral they respected their friend by cremainlining his ashes
When you decide to do anal and she has a poo inside. You then enter her ass and the tip of your penis touches the poo
Dude, last night I was tipping the log
When it is very cold and your balls creep up into the crevices to hide away
It was so cold I had intruding balls