Source Code

Forehead Shavecut

The most Retarded flash movie ever made that dosent make any shred of sense at all.Here's a line:

dude 1: ...and there she lay... and I...
dude 2: you what?
dude 1: ...I hit her with a beanbag.
dude 2: *gasps* you criminal! society!
dude 1: nooooo!!!
officer: you're staying in jail for 12 years, 12 years, thats such an odd number, isn't it?
dude 1: I like beans!

Ggfgfghghjhjhj hhghghgjgkjhjhjhjjgjhbjh jjbnbhbnnbbnmnmn Forehead Shavecut.

by Qrrbrbrbielbel July 9, 2006

13👍 68👎