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A chinese counting machine. Now outdated, has been banished to preschools and daycare centers for childrens entertainment. Sometimes considered, in its most basic form, the first computer.

Consists of 5 horizontal bars, each holding a number of beads that slide back and forth.

The little girl pushed the beads on the abacus from one side to the other.

by QueenSammich April 30, 2005

53👍 22👎


A Zoofondo is a simpleton possesing unmatched comedic skills to compensate.

A master of Deadpan humor.

A Zoofondo would say something like: "Yea ... you're strong, but I like to bring you back down to earth by saying things like 'I could always just shoot you in the head. Then you'd just die.' Just to let ya know ".

Something that oculd be said about a zoofondo: "Sure he's not all that bright, but damn...he really is a zoofondo."

by QueenSammich April 29, 2005