Source Code


When you have everything but the kitchen sink at the beginning of a video game, only to lose it a couple of minutes later and having to spend the rest of the game getting it all back piece by piece. A common occurrence in the Metroid games.

I just popped the game in and my flaming sword is hewing the enemies in one hit and my special techniques are clearing the screen. I think I'm about to get Samus'd!

by R. Kemp November 15, 2007

21πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Means "cute" or "pretty" in Japanese. Grossly overused by fat wapanese dorks in their futile attempts to woo their school's female Japanese exchange student(s).

Reality Check: Native Japanese don't use the word "kawaii" as much as you dorks do. Shut it down.

by R. Kemp August 5, 2004

3553πŸ‘ 2000πŸ‘Ž

Pre-emptive Strike

A euphemised term of an "infamous" surprise attack like the one at Pearl Harbor is called when the winners are the ones who did the surprise attack and write the history books.

The U.S. did a surprise missile strike at the beginning of the Iraq War known as a "decapitation attack". Shouldn't this be a day that will live in infamy as well?

by R. Kemp April 23, 2005

33πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

asian women

Something the webmasters on UD have an obvious fetish for considering one shows up in about 95% of their front page photos.

UD's got yellow fever! Not that there's anything wrong with that.

by R. Kemp April 24, 2005

486πŸ‘ 374πŸ‘Ž

Adult Swim

A block of cartoons on Cartoon Network of which 4 (Family Guy, Futurama, Sealab 2021 and Aqua Teen Hunger Force) are actually adult oriented. The anime shows are junior high school oriented material in Japan and shows that the U.S. still has a small complex about what is acceptable material in cartoons.

I watch adult swim for the hilarious U.S. cartoons, and not for the wapanese pleasing anime which they think is the Holy Grail.

by R. Kemp August 26, 2004

15πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Time Sink

A term used for videogames that require a great amount of time to be invested in them. A defining characteristic of a time sink is that due to the immersiveness of the game, the time spent playing these games feels small when in reality, the gamer has been playing for hours.

Do NOT play Civilization 4 or Oblivion. Those games are such time sinks that when you finsih, you'll be paying for your next game with your retirement checks.

by R. Kemp June 4, 2006

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


It comes from the "15 minutes of fame" catchphrase coined by Andy Warhol. A celebrity that is 14:59 is on the cusp of losing their relevance and falling out of fame.

Madonna's attempts to become a children's writer is a sure sign that she has gone 14:59.

by R. Kemp April 11, 2005

57πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž