Having trouble speaking probably or pronouncing certain words.
Today at the meeting my talkability was compromised when trying to read the safety message.
The feeling you get in your stomach when someone smells so bad that it makes you want to puke.
Someone dropped a stink pickle in the bathroom at work it stunk so bad I immediately had a pukesensation just opening up the door.
The feeling you get in your stomach when something smells so bad it makes you feel like your going to puke.
Someone dropped a stink pickle in the bathroom at work it smelled so bad I Immediately got a pukesensation just opening up the door.
The feeling you get when you smell or see something that makes you want to puke.
A customer farted in a isle I was working in today the smell was so bad I had a instant pukesensation so I ran outside to get some fresh air.
The Act of being a total jerk around several people.
Dan didnt have his coffee today so his Jerkology was at a at time a all time high.
Trying to find information about someone without asking them directly.
We had a new loader start the other day and Janette was sniffing around Facebook to see if he was single.