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1-10 Female attractiveness scale),

1: A simple scale men use to judge a woman's looks

2: An outdated (backwards) model that was replaced with the newer 10-1 scale directly relating to the suggested number of drinks one should imbibe prior to sex with a particular woman.


1: Goddess - Aphrodite herself incarnate (Typically subjective by a large margin) the single drink is merely a suggestion for preparing oneself to game such a creature.
2: Extremely Attractive - Two drinks should have you ready to spit some serious game.
3: Very Attractive - Three drinks should be your ideal mark for pulling one of these beauties.
4: Still Pretty Hot - After 4 drinks she's a supermodel and you can still drive home!
5: Above Average - Perfect wife material! 5 drinks a day keeps the divorce attorney away!
6: Average - Lube thoroughly before use.
7: Below Average - Its all fun until your friends find out.
8: Eight-Ball - Nothing good happens after 8 drinks...
9: Twilight Zone - You've entered the twilight zone. You better hope you can still escape upon sunrise!
10: Death March - Leaving with this woman is like going to your own funeral. 10 drinks deep and she still looks repulsive! we suggest something more potent, like Heroine or Quaaludes if you are gonna take this girl home.

Hey what number would you give Hillary Clinton on the 1-10 Female attractiveness scale),?

Whoa! Hillary is a CHICK??

by RKGCNC December 9, 2016

25👍 69👎