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A $787 billion slush fund used by members of Congress and the Obama Administration to fund projects and organizations without having to separately go on record voting for each appropriation.

Normally it would be political suicide and possibly criminal to use taxpayer dollars to pay off our special interests, but thanks to the stimulus we can claim it saves or creates jobs and call it a day.

by RO191 June 16, 2010

12👍 7👎


An ideological group driven by emotion rather than reason. Truly believe they're intellectually superior to everyone else, much to the amusement of everyone else.

Conservatives/Independents/Libertarians: We really can't afford to buy everyone in the United States a house, car, and private jet.

Liberals: Think of the children!1!!!1!

by RO191 June 12, 2010

76👍 111👎