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To move troops in jumps between covering terrain - in some tactical wargames.

Panzerbush was overly encouraged first in Panzerblitz; later games with enemy opportunity fire reduced it.

by ROMagister September 18, 2008

4👍 1👎


Zone of Control - in board and some computer wargames, the spaces around an unit (piece) where enemies must stop, are slowed down or otherwise impeded.

A Locking ZOC makes units stop. In some older games, combat becomes mandatory. A Fluid ZOC only increases the cost of movement. Some ZOC's prohibit or penalize retreats.

by ROMagister September 18, 2008

5👍 1👎


Combat Results Table - in board, miniatures and some computer war games.

Attack with 3:1 forces, roll 6 on CRT => Defender eliminated

by ROMagister September 18, 2008

19👍 24👎


A hexagonal space in a honeycomb-like grid, used to standardize movement in some board, miniature and computer games.

Settlers of Catan, Memoir'44 and Panzer General use hexes. A "circle" - points of fixed distance from a center - is a large hexagon too !

by ROMagister September 18, 2008

63👍 12👎