Nora is a strong young lady. She loves to eat food. Sheâs such a fan girl. Friendship is one of the most important things for her even if something is wrong with her best friends she is always there or is worried.Noraâs parents can be very strict and expect a lot from her.Nora is has one thing that makes herself different from everyone else but she doesnât like people to point it out.When she loves something like a friend or even a Bracelet itâs hard for her to let go but with just talking it out she will get over it and then always be ready to hear her friends problems not matter what they are even if itâs the most stupidest thing she will listen and give u her opinion and try to give you the right choice to make. But she doesnât just help you before she says anything she pictures herself in your place and how your feeling and what she would do.she is also very strong and not just in her muscles but her emotions you would be surprised how much is in there locked up a ways and sheâs been through a lot but she keep herself together and worryâs about everyone else and tryâs to never cry because she knows if she does she will break and feel like she is letting everyone down.Nora is one of a kind person and is that one person that you want in your life and if your having a bad day she will do something stupid just to cheer you up or talk about her fan girl stuff, sheâs that one person that brings you joy into your life.
Nora is my one friend I canât live without no matter what happens I always want her into my life .
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