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Runescape is a free online multiplayer game, or MMORPG. At first, the graphics weren't impressive, but it was original and had a fair amount of players. Then, they came out with a newer RuneScape. It had better graphics, but still not that good compared to other games, but what it did have was a lot of "dedicated" players. For a while, people compared RuneScape to World of Warcraft, saying RuneScape was just a knockoff. Then, JaGeX released a graphic update and system update, with more content. The "fan base" was larger than ever. The graphics and adjustments took a while to get used to, there were lots of complaints about how everything had abruptly changed, but after about 3 months they stopped. Now, RuneScape is a well-known MMORPG with impressive graphics (for a MMORPG); currently the most popular. They even got into the Guinness Book of World Records.

In my opinion, RuneScape is easy to get attatched to. You should only play if you can easily quit things with no problem. I honestly still get on it mildly and I've been playing RuneScape for about 2 years in total. There's just something very unique about RuneScape.

It is filled with young kids who lie about their age, though. And most people get a little too serious with gameplay, or they just roleplay - which is queer in my perspective, but whatever.

Example of serious RuneScape gamer (also kids who lie about their age to be able to play): "Dude stp klling those dragz!! I need the xp u idiot!!!!! Go kill urself cuz i wnt xp n i ned 56 str so eff off lozer..!"

Example of role-player: "*gives Imagirlonrs23 a ring* wanna get married? Ur the only gf iv evr had = plz?"

by RS_Psychopath July 4, 2009

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