A name for a gutless wonder that creeps up behind you or goes behind your back to fuck you over one way or another.
" OI watch out for that tanned triple turncoat threefaced fagot james turu waine hiding in those pallets over there or he will BACKSCARF you when he thinks your not looking.
A phrase used to strongly reinforce and help paint an extremely vivid image in the listeners mind when describing something to those who are possibly imagionatoraly impaired or have a total lack of imagination altogether.
"OI what happened to you last night mate because you've woken up today looking and smelling like a DEAD DOGS ASSHOLE"
Slang word to describe a heinous looking Maori woman.
A combination of the word wahine and heinous.
OI brov looks like that WAHINEOUS didn't just fall through the ugly tree , I think she was beaten by every branch!
The art of sterilising the inside of a woman's vagina or anus via urinating whilst having sexual intercourse.
Come here you sick looking bitch it's time for a jellyfish rinse!