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Hans is the most stunning person you could imagine. He's perfect inside and out in every way. He has the personality and face of an angel. He continually puts others first and cares more about the people he loves than himself. Hans is the most caring, funny, beautiful, compassionate guy in the world. He's got every quality a person could want in a soulmate and any girl who gets to call him that is the luckiest girl in the world.

Rachel: I can't wait to marry Hans, he's the most perfect man in the world.

by Rachel_G July 10, 2018

26👍 15👎


A snurch is a noun. A snurch is a combination of two words, snail (an animal), and church (a place of worship). Snurch stands for ‘snail church’ and it’s a congregation of snails worshipping in a certain place.

That snail made a leaf boat to get to snurch. Im proud of him.

by Rachel_G July 2, 2018

42👍 5👎