Someone who is great at removing incriminating evidence
Anton calling Leroy
Leroy: "What up Fool?"
Anton: "Hey I need a "Disposal Expert", I got a problem and its a fucking huge one."
Leroy: "I'll call "him" up."
A short term for any Emergency medical teams
Anton comes into his house bleeding
Anton: "Leroy, Med crew now! Shot in thigh."
Leroy: "Shit! I'll call 911 right now!"
A child who was overly defiant and resorts to becoming a juvenile delinquent fuckboy because he cannot bond with his stepparent whatsoever, even if they are the coolest person ever. S/he constantly blames all their misery on that parent, and is source of frustration for a marriage, often because s/he wants it to end. These children require a lot of therapy, and maybe a good ass-whooping to learn some respect.
"Dude, Josh is such an Enragement child, his stepdad is really cool and yet he just goes out of his way to avoid him.
I know right? What a fuckboy!"
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When your wife dies and your kid is taken away while you are sent to jail/prison then thrown out onto the streets.
Anton reading a letter from relatives
Anton: "Shit man, my brother got dunwalled and the CPS fools want me to take care of his kid. I can't take care of kid"
Leroy: "Damn, thats fucked up? What happened?"
Anton: "His baby momma had a heart attack on that fentanol shit, and they Bluebloods think he's been slinging pills. I hope I never get dunwalled like that."
Caught in a highly undesirable situation that one hasn't any real involvement in.
Leroy answers his phone, hearing gunshots and rifle fire in the background
Anton: "Leroy, I'm in a Sling! Drove in a Turf war between the Crips 'n Bloodz. Fools shooting at me from both sides."
Leroy: "Yo, want me call in the Blue Bloods?"
Anton: "At this point, I'd take the police over these Hoodrats. Get me out of here!"
When a Breast, male or female, has a lot of muscle tissue and fibers like those found on professional bodybuilders and athletes.
Joe: "Man, I like a girl with Dense Breast and a firm ass!"
Tom: "What? You mean like Holly Holm?"
Joe googles said athlete: "Yep!"
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