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very smart people, people who are anti-endogenic.

i hate endon'ts
you're a stupid bitch emily

by Ramsys February 8, 2022

4👍 1👎


Radqueer is an umbrella term for a small community of people who believe that (what they classify as) all good faith identities should be accepted and acknowledged in the queer community and queer spaces. People who identify as Radqueer support identities that are not often accepted, such as people with paraphilia’s, endogenic/tulpagenic systems, transabled, transracial, and transage identities.

The general consensus from the queer community as a whole, especially the trans and disabled communities is that Radqueer identities are of poor faith and should not be accepted or normalized under the queer communities name.

Kai: “I’m part of the radqueer community!”
Bob: “Wtf is that.”

by Ramsys October 21, 2023

95👍 19👎

pro contact

Pro contact is a term that tends to float around the radqueer and radinclus community, it is referencing people who suffer with paraphilia's.

Someone who is pro contact believes that folks with paraphilia's such as pedophilia, zoophilia and necrophilia should be able to act on those thoughts without being reprimanded.

Someone who is anti contact is someone who supports folks struggling with paraphiliac thoughts but does not encourage them to act on those thoughts and often encourages people to seek psychiatric help.

James: "I'm pro contact!"
Emma: "Fuck you James."

by Ramsys October 13, 2023

26👍 5👎


Tomeii is someone who would gain your trust then take a sledgehammer to it a few weeks later. Tomeii had lots of interests and likes to talk about them excessively. Tomeii really likes attention and will do anything to get it.

"i met someone today, they where acting like such a Tomeii"

by Ramsys February 2, 2022

13👍 12👎


The term Transabled is short for Trans Disabled. Transabled people believe that they were meant to be born with a mental or physical disability. (e.g Autism, POTS, some form of paralyzation, IBS/IBD, Down syndrome, etc.) Not to be confused with BIID or body integrity identity disorder, folks who label themself as transabled mostly believe that they do not have anything mentally wrong with them, they just believe they were born like this. Often they will compare their experiences to those of transgender people, saying that their experiences are like that of gender dysphoria.

Transabled folks are part of the Radqueer/transid community.

While they are usually accepted in those communities the general consensus between the LFBTQIA+ community, especially trans folks is that transabled people are a mockery of the trans community and that their beliefs are offensive and attention seeking in nature. The disabled community also has a general distaste for transabled folks and, like the trans community, says that they are a mockery of people struggling with real disabilities.

Anna: "I am transabled, I believe I was meant to have autism."
John: "... that's a lot to process."

by Ramsys October 13, 2023