One of the Youngest Samurai defending the Rice Village, Kanna, from the Nobuseri in the widely unknown (but still good) anime show, Samurai 7, based on Akira Kurosawa's Movie, Seven Samurai. Heihachi dies by blowing the floor out to keep the Nobuseri away from Kanna. He wears goggles like a Pilot and has a weathercharm hanging from his sword. He used to cut wood with his katana, and even though he fought in the last war, he has never killed anyone. Due to his 'shy and timid' character, he worked as a mechanic, and not in direct battle. When Heihachi DOES fight, he pwns all. Also called Hei by fans
First Apperence: Episode 5, The Drifter
Age: (not exact) Early-20's
Last Name: Hayashida
Last Apperence: Episode 25
"Samurai have no reason to be cruel. They do not need to prove their strength. A samurai is courteous even to his enemies. Without this outward show of respect, we are nothing more than animals. A samurai is respected not only for his strength in battle, but also by his dealings with other men. The true inner strength of a samurai becomes apparent during times of stress." Heihachi Hayashida represents the part of the Bushido Code, Pilite Courtesy.
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