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Taylor swift

A young rising artist that only focus on boys and apparently that's what her songs are mostly about. Influencing many children under the ages of 13 and regular teens that "getting a guy" equals to life. Most of her songs are about breakups with guys, falling in love with guys, when you're friends with the guys but he likes some other girl, comparing her lovelife to romeo and juliet, and when the guy hates you or when you hate him. She also write songs to get over guys.
Many people think she is a great artist for her guitar skills and her voice, but most haters seem to find that her voice sounds digitalize on the radio and if you actually hear her sing in real life she falls flat, loses breathe, and ect.

There is also another reason why she was such big of a fans and that is for:

-she's young and new
-she has talents and "looks"
-her songs has a good melody that most people enjoy too, but besides from the melody they are too busy enjoying that to understand that the lyrics aren't that great and only half the song is good
-she also steal songs and melodies from other bands if you listen very carefully but just changed it to more country or in a different octave.
-she knows the jonas brothers and know joe a little to well. she also made most of their fanbase obsess over her now.
-she will be appearing in miley cyrus's movie hannah montanna the movie as guest staring. miley cyrus being another star to the celebrity scene which is good since taylor got out some huge press from just hanging out with miley and the jonas brothers.

Person1: What are you listening too?
TayFan: OMG Taylor swift what are you a moron?
Person1: Umm no i was just wondering because i have to say the lyrics are terrible and it sounds like a 13 year old can right far better.
Tayfan: GASP you know what!!! Her songs are the best!
Person1: All she writes about is boy .. . oh wait i'm sorry you fanatize over boys too cause just like her you appear to be a slut
Tayfan: Gasp!that is so not true she doesn't write about guys except for Love story, our song, tim mcgraw which btw has no relation to tim at all so it was pretty stupid for tim to thank her for writing a song about him when it clearly was, white horse, you belong with me, i'd lie, stay beautiful, picture to burn, teardrops on my guitar,
Person1: Umm that's a lot
Tayfan: Pshh no it isn't! I should know since i get an A in counting.
Person1: Counting is not a subject
Tayfan: Well in Pe it is
person1: PE?
Tayfan: Ya! Counting how many split ends ugly girls have lol like you
Person1: Wow are you sure brown in your natrual color? Cause being a big blonde air head seems to fit you more
Tayfan: WHATEVER! (rolls head snap snap snap) Loser taylor rocks!
Person1: OKay whatever. have fun listening to your "corey's eyes are like a jungle, when he smiles it's like the radio" That does not even make sense! But okay i'm just going to be over here listening to some real music.

by Randomperson!! January 9, 2009

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