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Outwardly appearing to be negative and or evil while secretly being good and or helpful.

Guy: What if Trump is snapeing us?

Bro: what do you mean?

Guy: like being a magnet to draw out all the ignorant hateful stupid racists so we know who they are and then letting a good candidate win.

by Randumbinator January 22, 2016


When a girl is giving a guy a hand party while he is on his back and when he starts to finish she slams his junk into his stomach making him lurch upright and gasp for breath, which causes him to be open to receive a taste of his own medicine.

girl: Hey, remember that fellow who was bragging about soaking that girls hair with dude juice?
other girl: yeah?
girl: Well I gave him a proper downshifting last night.
*high fives*

by Randumbinator July 26, 2015

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