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Any emoji or gif containing pictures or videos of Jason Momoa.

Whenever I make Koda happy, he sends me a momoji <3

by Rani115 August 24, 2023


When you are struggling to hold in a poo and it has reached emergency status. A 911 for your #2. See also emergenturd

Darren - I had chili for lunch. I've got a 922 on its way.

Brent - Do you have a turtlehead?

by Rani115 August 24, 2015

14πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


When you have to poop and it's an emergency. 911 (emergency) #2 (poop)

Hey, can you fill in for me? I've got a 922 brewing!

by Rani115 July 29, 2015

14πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


The acne breakouts caused by wearing CoVid-19 prevention masks 😷

Look at my chin! ItҀ™s covered in mascne.

by Rani115 May 29, 2020