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A FEMALE human whose bodily physique resembles that of Rush Limbaugh, Rosie O'Donnell, or a (Harley-Davidson) biker's wife. Pseudo-females such as these are characteristically known for having a double chin. The behavioral basis of these over-fed bovines lies in their aspiration to seduce, mate with, and otherwise deceive a male human with proximate cash reserves, into committing to a state-sanctioned relationship in order to acquire their victim's material possessions. Cods are taxonomically classified according to their excessive surplus of glut, and their ability to deceive their victims by cooking them scrumptious meals.

1. Oh my Fuck! Can you believe the wattle on that Cod's throat?!

2. Holy shit that rich douche is totally dating a Cod! She must be a good cook.

3. I bet he make-believes squeezing her wattle is like actually squeezing titties!

by Rat-Keeper September 9, 2012

2👍 4👎