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I. A sub-culture established in the 80's, controversy has been brought up about it's origins, believed to be taken from the punk sub-culture and/or a style of architecture used from the 12th to the 16th century. Coming in an array of different music and clothing styles, goths typically share the same basic music range (Typically very loud, and/or dark) and the same "deathly pale" look. Goth is no longer a style and never truly was a trend, now it has developed it's own "sub-cultural" differences in society.

Goths typically make their own or fix their own clothing (Called DIY or Do-It-Yourself). This enables them to acquire their own independence as well as stand out and show they're not like "clones". While not all goths shop at thrift stores, most do in fact add their own touches to their styles, whether in make-up, hair, or clothing. Black though a dominant color in the sub-culture is not the only color ever worn, every color of the rainbow and beyond can be found in some form or fashion. Goths are not forced into any form or style to fit "in" the gothic lifestyle. Goth is a creatively dark sense of style, passion, and expression forged from everything from music to literature, to historic events or places. While many are accused of being "poseurs" there is no definite style or attitude defined by those calling themselves "true" goths there for often it is hard to determine a so called "poseur" from a true goth to those not familiar with the gothic sub-culture.

Often misunderstood by those not a part of the sub-culture, called everything from satanists to fetishes. Although the sub-culture hasn't been around more than 20 years or so, it is still defined by the "black clad" members of society, stereotypes extending to emos, a branch off of the same roots as goth, forcing goths to be grouped with the stereotype of being suicidal and cutting themselves, while this is not true in both sub-cultures, it is still one of the most commonly used stereotypes today.

Other stereotypes and misconceptions include: Witch craft, violence, aggression, vandalism, satanism, homicidal tendencies, necrophilia, vampirism, "strange" fetishes, depression, suicidal tendencies, self harm, cult participation, drug abuse, bad personal hygiene, sexual tendencies, and solitudinous tendencies

There are many styles of goth, ranging from the futuristic, neon colored club wear of a cyber goth to the pink and black princess/prince wear of the perkygoth. Styles determine place matting and interests in the gothic society. Whether they wear long flowing black dresses, or skin tight PVC, gothic styles show the interests of a particular person, but there are always stereotypes within stereotypes and all to often the goths themselves stereotype other goths of different fashion sense. Still, all goths are united by music or the same basic outlook on life. Giving in to the thought process of, "The world is not sugar-coated, it has ups and downs, death and life. It can suck and it can be amazing." goths express these feelings by presenting the highs and lows of life in their daily style.

Goth styles can be low tone or extreme depending on the person's interests and ability. Not all goths adorn piercings, tattoos, or wear short/ripped clothing. Preferences play a huge roll, many will wear whatever is most comfortable, and others may wear the most uncomfortable article of clothing because they want to make a point.

"Styles" Of Goth include: Gothic Lolita, Club Goth, Death Rocker, Rivet Head, Romanti Goth, Victorian Goth, Perkygoth, Gothability, Cyber Goth, Steampunk, Traditional Goth, and Corporate Goth

The true difference between each goth is their taste in music, depending on their favorite music, they will display themselves in the same form or fashion of their favorite bands. Death Rockers looking like they've crawled out of hell is a good example of supporting their favorite music with style.

II. A Germanic people whose origins lay along the lower Vistula (modern Poland). Known best for ransacking Rome in 410AD.

III. A kind of architecture first introduced in the 12th century and used until the 16th century. Buildings usually consisting of large arch doorways, counterbalancing buttresses, large pointed tower structures, and slender piers.

Gothic Sub-Culture: Wave Gothic Treffen, Bat Day (Disneyland)

Gothic Architecture: Big Ben, Bran Castle (Castle Dracula), Notre Dame de Paris

by Raveanya August 1, 2009

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