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manic pixie dream boy

The manic pixie dream boy (MPDB) is the male equivalent to the manic pixie dream girl. He tends to be gentle-natured, low testosterone and non-threatening, and looks like he's just stepped out of a boyband... indeed a lot of boybands are designed with that look in mind.

See also manic pixie dream lesbian.

"The hashtag #manicpixiedreamboy has users retrospectively identifying the Manic Pixie Dream Boy in cinematic history (Ferris Bueller, Jack Dawson, Jesse from Pitch Perfect, Jacob from Crazy Stupid Love); arguing that we need more of them in current movies; and adding new names to the celebrity canon of Manic Pixie Dream Boys (notably, Hozier). " - Roisin Langan in Vice dot com

by RayBidd December 27, 2022

175👍 3👎


Platygaean is a fancy word for a Flat Earther. Platygaeanism was a fringe interest until the 2010s, when it suddenly started getting massive amounts of media coverage and funding. Which was highly convenient as the Flat Earth meme is useful for damning any alternative thought by association. Platygaean sounds far more sophisticated than "Flat Earther", so next time anyone calls you one for thinking for yourself, tell them they're not using the proper term.

You don't agree with everything the government tells you - you must be a platygaean and tin foil hat wearer.

by RayBidd March 29, 2022


The strawman or straw man, seems to be the only logical fallacy that most midwits online have ever heard of (except for maybe ad hominem). It does matter how irrelevant it is to the conversation, if the midwit is losing the argument they'll accuse you of using a "strawman". Most of them don't really know the definition. Also known as an "Aunt Sally" in the UK, or a "straw person" if you're woke.

You don't agree with me, so that is a strawman argument.

by RayBidd March 29, 2022

235👍 30👎

Keep you safe

"Keep you safe" or "stay safe" is an ambiguous and vaguely menacing phrase to keep people in line, a bit like when a gangster offers a business protection in return for a small fee. In order to stay safe, one must avoid things such as scientific fact, critical thinking, divergent opinions and basic civil rights. Instead, follow the soyence, and get all your misinformation fact checked. This phrase used to be known as "for your safety" or "for security purposes".

"We are installing cameras in all restrooms to keep our customers safe."

"In order to keep you safe, you must follow our guidelines and abandon independent thought."

"We want all our stakeholders to stay safe. That is why they will have to have microchip implants to access basic amenities. To keep you safe.'

by RayBidd February 9, 2022

241👍 1👎


Soyence is the abuse of science (or pseudoscience) to push a political agenda. In soyence, data is cherry picked or even invented to prove a supposed point. Anything which contradicts it is ignored, or accused of being patriarchal etc. Unlike real science, it does not tolerate multiple viewpoints, or require proper peer review. Like real science, it does change, but only to support whatever political viewpoint is fashionable this week.

"Have a look at this article in the Guardian which says gravity is a social construct and discriminates against big people."
"Nah, mate, that's just soyence."

"It's really ageist not allowing ten year olds to drive trucks. Scientists say they have great communication skills and spatial awareness."
"That's soyence too."

"Fact check: Humans are just another type of animal, and chimps share 99% of our DNA. Therefore chimps should be given complete human rights."

"Fact checked by soyence more like."

by RayBidd May 11, 2021

521👍 3👎

Midwit cuckoo

A midwit, or someone or middling intellect, who gets caught up in some form of mass hysteria. Strong supporters of a nanny state mentality to the point of insanity, and excellent examples of the Dunning Kruger effect in action. Named after the John Wyndham novel "the Midwich Cuckoos".

"Look at these midwit cuckoos, they want all dogs put down because some child got bitten by one recently."

"This guy says all humans must be exterminated to save the planet. What a midwit cuckoo."

by RayBidd February 10, 2022

299👍 13👎