An extreme sport defined by posting very offensive meme content on public spaces and then attempting to dodge all the SJW that come after you.
This sport is very dangerous and can result to injury of personal and public life, or even loss of job/popularity.
Not to be confused with Call-out culture/ Cancel culture/ Grief Cancelling, which is perpetuated by SJW without specific b8 from the victim.
Bro 1: Hey bro, do you practice any extreme sports?
Bro 2: Nah bro, I used to be into Extreme Memeing but then I failed a dodge and I got fired after my boss got a complaint email.
Bro 1: Sad bro.
Dude 1: Hey dude, wanna do some Extreme Memeing tonight?
Dude 2: Nah man, I'm not into extreme sports.
Brah: So I was doing some Extreme Memeing last night and I was dodging them SJW like crazy... I got them so good I actually made one of them get another fired by mistake! LOL.
An alpacack, sometimes said alpacuck ( not to be confused with Alpha cuck is a person trying to appear alpha so much that he just ends up looking silly, as if trying too hard.
An alpacack will often reject any past-times, hobbies and careers that do not 'look alpha' or 'manly' religiously and will often shame any men who don't. For example, an alpacuck will shame a man for enjoying video games and tell him to start backpacking, skying or mountain climbing instead.
A person who tries too hard to look alpha. A phony alpha.
Alpha 1: Hey dude, let's invite Chad to the club and go picking up chicks.
Alpacack: Nah man, Chad plays video games, he's lame.
Alpha 1: Bro wtf, I play video games.
Alpha 1: Hey dude, let's invite Jerry to hang out with us.
Alpha 2: Nah man, he's just an alpacack. He'll just want to talk about how "alpha" he is all the time.