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Verb. The act of using an ipod whilst involved romantically with your significant other. This act of ipoding differs from other poorly definitions in that ipoding in this circumstance is undertaken with the objective of getting lots of attention from your boyfriend or girlfriend by changing the song which he or she is enjoying.

This is unfortunately an all *too* common scenario between couples in the 21st century.

A typical ipoding scenario is as follows:

Boy is listening to ipod on the bus and funking out to some hardcore death metal tunes. Girl taps repeatedly on boy's shoulder and then steals his ipod exclaiming loudly "Mine! I am ipoding!". Girl then starts spinning the ipod wheel rapidly and selecting random songs from the menus. When questioned over her actions by the boy, the girl retorts with the catch phrase, "I am ipoding!".

This is unfortunately an all *too* common scenario between couples in the 21st century.

by RayningAcid April 9, 2006

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