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anal spitter

This is when someone cums in another persons ass and then they fart the cum out.

anal spitter- oops I farted

by Rbomb04 September 2, 2014

remote hog

A person who will change the channel ever 5 seconds.

remote hog- Give me the remote you going to fast.

by Rbomb04 July 25, 2014

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armpit stroker

An armpit stroker is used to define someone who uses there armpit as a vagina.

Hey bro could I borrow your armpit for a second. No way man you're such an armpit stroker.

by Rbomb04 June 17, 2014

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bumping heads

This is when two dudes bump each others tips.

Hey man lets start bumping heads.

by Rbomb04 July 25, 2014

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reverse strap on

The act of placing a strap on, on the ass.

I couldnt sit for an hour because I was doing the reverse strap on.

by Rbomb04 November 14, 2014

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high speed facials

When driving on the highway and someone opens the window and drops a load in the wind resulting with someone getting a facial behind.

high speed facials- Haha man did you see that high speed facial on the highway last night it was extreme.

by Rbomb04 August 31, 2014

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Cracked balls

This word is used to describe someones balls that have been beaten by either being stepped on, slapped, punch, bit, flicked, kicked or even set on fire which would end in the result of (Cracked balls).

Cracked balls- AHHHHHHHHHHH please stop your cracking my balls.

by Rbomb04 July 25, 2014

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