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Pronounced: Scro-Mo(e)-phobe

A (typically left leaning) person with an irrational and unfounded fear of masculine, white, hetero, trad men.

They often mask their bigotry in "moral values" pertaining to human rights, international law, etc.

I used to be a big fan of the news programme: "Majority Report". That was until It was discovered the host, Sam Seder, was a raging Scromophobe.

by ReaganlnTheMoney June 25, 2024



Pronunciation: scro-mo(e)-pho-bia

An extreme and completely irrational fear of masculine, white, hetero men who built the free society we know and love.

You're welcome.

Person 1.) Did you see all those college kids camping on the lawn and protesting apartheid?

Person 2.) Yeah, but don't buy what they're saying. They're all suffering from scromophobia.

by ReaganlnTheMoney June 25, 2024


A deep state plot between the United States government, the LGBTQIA+ community, CSPAN and liberally minded YouTube creators to groom children into believing it's okay to not be straight.

Bro 1: "Hey bro, did you hear about the high school library with a cartoon depiction of someone giving a plastic stick a blowjob?"

Bro 2: "Yeah bro, they're all apart of the Fedophile's plan."

by ReaganlnTheMoney June 27, 2023