"Jew" a male with a little dick
"Jew" a male with a thrashed ass
"Jew" no tick said the Jew
"Jew" money hungry person
"Jew" your typical drug dealer
"Jew" someone the winges about everything and everyone.
Jew" the ciggy smoking jew that also takes it from the but.
"Jew" a male with blonde hair that like to be fucked in his ass by multiple coloured man not of his own race
"what a gay Jew".
Definitions explaining a "Jew"
someone this a tight ass money hungry Penny scabbing bottom feeder that's always acting all poor me poor me as if they got nothing just to get symphony or a free something as in a hand out from someone that has less than the Jew being a victim.
"Jew" A male who is just a wimpy ass bitch that is scared of everyone and everything.
"Jew" oi Jew stop playing the victim card or you may end up a victim as the other Jew race did.