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A sharp object, typically a swiss-army or pocket knife used to inflict pain on someone.
Primarily used as a weapon of defense for teens in the inner cities.


Bro, 2 dudes were on the train and tried to rob me for my Iphone. I had the pokey on me though so I just started pokin niggas.
Blood was leaking everywhere shit was crazy.

by Realn February 11, 2014

6👍 1👎


A superior thinker than a majority of the community. An individual who posseses the intellect to have other beliefs than social programming teaches us. Most deviants make a positive footprint on society, rather than the misconceived negative version. Deviants are simply individuals who differ in many aspects to the larger flock of society.

A deviant could include homosexuals and inventors etc.

by Realn March 2, 2006

301👍 125👎